Thursday, December 13, 2007

A time for nostalgia

I just finished reading an essay in the January edition of In-Fisherman magazine called "50 Years Loving Walleyes" by editor-in-chief Doug Stange. It is an Izaak Walton-type description of a lifetime's worth of memories chasing his favorite fish.

I highly recommend the article for those who love fishing and, especially, for those who have enjoyed fishing throughout both their childhood and adult years. Winter is a great time for warming our souls with memories of great catches and great experiences on the water.

And, don't forget to give thanks to the God who created the water and the fish that swim therein. We are extremely blessed to have an abundance of fish and lakes to enjoy, plus the prosperity to buy boats, tackle and even lakeshore cabins.

Then, there's having the freedom and the time to fish wherever we want. One thing I especially appreciate is the fact that all water in our Land of 10,000 Lakes is public. It belongs to us, which means we have access to almost every lake. There's no having to ask someone's permission to launch our boat, like we hunters have to do to get on private land. I fished about a half dozen lakes this year and I'd like to do so again next year. Thanks be to God I have the ability to do so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right on! From the rural lakes we loved as children to expanding our horizons to new frontiers (and varieties of fish), it just seems as though time out in nature experiencing God's creation in new ways and old are always heart-warming opportunities for new "fish tales" to share with family and friends during the holidays!
